How to Find STD Testing Without Insurance
STDs pose a serious threat to health and wellness for everyone. So it’s easy to see why so many people are concerned about the possibility of STD contraction. Whether you’ve noticed common STD signs and symptoms or you’re nervous after a recent sexual encounter, thinking you might have an STD is a scary prospect. What’s worse is not having insurance in this situation. Yet, nearly 30 million Americans don’t have any form of health insurance. And another ten million undocumented immigrants are unlikely or unable to qualify for public or private health insurance. With that in mind, today we’ll explain how you can find STD testing without insurance:
Traditional STD Testing Methods
The bad news here is that traditional STD testing methods don’t always work for people without insurance. Indeed, going to the doctor’s office or visiting a free clinic can be tough for people who don’t have the proper documentation, including a medical history card, valid photo ID, and in some instances, an insurance card. What’s more, there’s a downside to getting tested on your insurance plan. Sometimes, insurance companies will view STD testing as evidence of risky behavior, and may raise health insurance rates in the same way they would for someone with a smoking or drinking habit.
No Insurance –– No Problem
At Same Day STD Testing, we’re working to create an alternative to the accepted forms of STD testing methods, and a big part of that is centered around patient confidentiality. We’re a private organization, and we don’t require insurance to provide service. What’s more, we won’t ask probing questions or keep you waiting in line for hours at a time. Our mission is to provide quality, private, and accurate STD tests for as many people as possible because STD testing is so vital.
Importance of STD Testing
We understand that many patients may be hesitant to get tested for STDs. After all, the entire process can be a nerve-wracking experience. (The good news is that STD testing itself is completely painless, contrary to popular belief.) However, it’s important to remember that STD testing is imperative for sexually active individuals. STDs can cause a huge range of dangerous issues like infertility, urethral scarring, nerve damage, lesions, rashes, blindness, and even death. Also, just because you haven’t noticed any STD symptoms or your symptoms have gone away, it doesn’t mean you’re STD free. In fact, many STDs can remain asymptomatic for long periods of time. The only way to know for sure is to get tested.
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