4 Ways Stigmas Undermine the Prevention of STDs
It’s easy to underestimate the power of language. After all, most people don’t spend their free time analyzing speech patterns or studying subtle changes in terminology. However, the way we talk about a subject has a major impact on how we perceive it. It’s why we use euphemisms to soften the blow, or hyperbole to emphasize a point. For our purposes, today we’ll be focusing on the negative way people speak about STDs –– and the individuals who have them. Also, we’ll demonstrate how repeating STD myths, misinformation, and hurtful speech is detrimental to society as a whole. Here are four ways stigmas hinder the prevention of STDs:
STDs and Stereotypes
The truth about STDs is that any sexually active person can get one. You can’t tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them –– and assuming that only certain members of the population are at risk for picking up an STD is both incorrect and irresponsible. No one is immune to contracting an STD; nor does chlamydia discriminate between race, gender, or tax bracket.
STD Confusion and Myths
Sometimes people with good intentions accidentally spread falsehoods regarding STDs. For instance, many would probably assume that using a latex condom eliminates the possibility of STD transmission. While condom-usage significantly lowers the possibility of spreading an STD, it does not, however, eliminate the risk entirely. The internet can be a great resource for people looking for answers to difficult questions. But when it comes to STDs, don’t take your chances with an online forum –– consult a professional instead.
Fear of STDs
Should everyone feel concern about STDs? Absolutely. There’s a difference, though, between understanding the risks associated with STDs and the way STDs are often portrayed in pop culture. Hollywood has spawned an entire sub-genre of STD-based horror films that prey on misconceptions and misunderstandings about the nature of sex and STDs. It may sound silly, but young people who grow up with an irrational fear of STDs are less likely to understand when they need to get tested and how to prevent STDs in the first place.
STD Shame
There’s no moral component to STD contraction. Everyone can get an STD –– from the night someone loses their virginity to the last time they have sex, we’re all in the same boat. It’s not a sin to get an STD; it’s not a punishment; and it shouldn’t be construed as a mark of shame. Sadly, lots of people would rather ignore STD symptoms than admit to themselves or others that they have a problem. This is dangerous on a multitude of levels, and we can’t stress enough the need to get tested and seek treatment –– especially if you’ve experienced common STD signs and symptoms.
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