Which STDs Stay in the Body for Life?
Considering most people don’t like to discuss, think about, or remotely consider the possibility of picking up an STD, it’s understandable that many might not know which STDs are curable and which aren’t. The good news is, many common STDs can be treated and cured completely through the application of antibiotics. And modern medical professionals can manage incurable STDs much more effectively now than in the past. Before we go any further though, let’s address the big question: which STDs stay in the body for life? In reality, the answer is almost all of them. STDs simply don’t “go away” on their own. So if you don’t seek treatment, it’s possible for just about any STD to exist within your system for decades after initial contraction.
Curable vs Incurable STDs
In the main, there are two types of STDs: bacterial and viral. Bacterial STDs are curable, while viral STDs aren’t. Common bacterial STDs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. Alternatively, common viral STDs are herpes, HIV, HPV, and hepatitis. Herpes, HIV, and chronic cases of hepatitis will remain in your system permanently after contraction. However, HPV usually won’t. (Note, there is no current way to test for HPV, though there are vaccinations available.) Lastly, trichomoniasis is neither bacterial nor viral, but parasitic instead. As menacing as that sounds –– don’t worry –– trich is both treatable and curable.
Are Curable STDs Dangerous?
One big myth regarding curable STDs is that since they can be cured, they aren’t dangerous. This simply isn’t true, though. Yes, there’s a massive stigma around incurable STDs like HIV (and with good reason), but an STD like syphilis can cause a myriad of major health issues like blindness, paralysis, organ failure, and death. For a full rundown of some STD worst-case scenarios, check out our blog on the subject here.
Why Get Tested for Incurable STDs?
As mentioned above, certain STDs will remain in your system regardless of treatment. However, modern medical advances can help reduce some of the symptoms and health risks associated with viral STDs. Plus getting treated ASAP can lower your odds of picking up a subsequent STD. Considering that individuals who have herpes get HIV at a much higher rate than STD-free people, it’s crucial for those with incurable STDs to get tested and treated all the same. The sooner treatment begins, the better for all involved.
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