When Do Symptoms of STDs Start?
It’s safe to say that STDs are often misrepresented in TV shows, movies, and modern pop culture in general. Unfortunately, this leads to some major mass misconceptions regarding their nature in reality. Just why that is the case is up for conjecture –– and a discussion for another day. For now, we’ll be focusing on one critical point of confusion regarding STDs, namely: when do symptoms of STDs start?
Debunking Instant Transmission
STDs in real life don’t act like mythical zombie infections or their movie-contagion counterparts, wherein anyone who comes in contact with a disease becomes immediately overcome with the symptoms of it. Plain and simple, STDs behave in a much more mundane (but in their own way, chilling) fashion. If you contract an STD, it could take weeks, months, or even years before you notice outward manifestations of the infection. So just because you don’t exhibit symptoms for an STD, you won’t know you’re STD-free if you haven’t been tested. Furthermore, no two STDs –– or people –– are the same. That means the way in which symptoms appear can vary wildly based on a number of factors.
STD Incubation Periods
Even though STDs can be difficult to predict or diagnose based solely on visual examination, here’s a list of five common STDs, their symptoms, and how long (typically) they take to appear:
Herpes: Lots of people have herpes but don’t even know about it. Still, if symptoms are going to manifest, they usually appear as blisters on the genitals or rectum within two weeks of picking up the disease. (Note: for more information on the difference between oral and genital herpes, click here.)
Chlamydia: symptoms of chlamydia are often mild or nonexistent. Sometimes, people will notice discharge from the genitals, or abdominal pain, but more often than not chlamydia remains asymptomatic. When symptoms do occur, they usually do so within a few weeks of first contracting the disease. However, if left untreated chlamydia can cause big problems.
Gonorrhea: Gonorrhea symptoms may appear as early as two days after exposure, or alternatively, may never appear at all.
Syphilis: Typically, syphilis will begin to manifest outwardly after about three weeks. However, it may take as long as 90 days for symptoms of syphilis to appear. What’s more, its symptoms are often similar to those of chlamydia and gonorrhea, making it particularly difficult to diagnose.
HIV: Plenty of people who contract HIV don’t realize they have it until years later. Others may begin to notice flu-like symptoms within the first month after exposure to the disease.
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