What to Do While Waiting for STD Results After a Test
Sitting around and waiting for the results of an STD test is enough to rattle the nerves of even the most composed individual. After all, it’s frightening to be unsure about your health and wellness. What’s more, some STD tests can take several days or even weeks to deliver accurate results. That’s a lot of time in between getting the test and receiving the results. Given that fact, today we’re going to share a few constructive things you can do while waiting for STD results after a test.
Speak to a Professional
STDs are complex and varied infections, and it can be difficult to find reliable information about them on the internet. And sadly, there are a number of myths associated with venereal infections. In particular, the internet is rife with spurious or just plain inaccurate content relating to STDs.
Educate Yourself
At Same Day, it’s our mission to help you get tested, and, if necessary, get treated for STDs. In addition, we also strive to educate people about STDs –– their causes, nature, and how to prevent them. If you’re looking for more in-depth information about STDs, our team can direct you to a number of valuable resources on the subject. This way, you can ensure that you’re only dealing with accurate, up-to-date content.
Create a Contact List
If you happen to test positive for an STD, then it’s your responsibility to communicate that fact to your partner(s) and ex-partners. These conversations are not easy to have, so it’s not a bad idea to create a contact list and prepare yourself for them. The good news is that it’s easier to speak about STDs once you understand them better.
Easier said than done, but it’s important to relax after an STD test. True, you can prepare yourself for a worst-case scenario by following the above tips, but the reality is that you won’t know what your next steps should be until you receive the results.
Keeping a few of these things in mind may help you stay calm:
- By getting tested and speaking with a professional, you’ve already taken a big step toward protecting your health and wellness.
- Many STDs can be cured through treatment with antibiotics. And those that can’t, can often be managed through treatment.
- Millions of Americans have, or have had, an STD. If you test positive for one, you’re not alone.
Waiting for an STD test result can be very upsetting. Some people deal with the downtime by needlessly fretting –– or by looking up questionable information on the internet. Instead of worrying yourself to death, though, try and relax and spend some time with friends; or, engage in activities that you enjoy.
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