What is the Danger of Not Disclosing HSV 2?
HSV 2 –– also known as genital herpes –– is an extremely common STD. Herpes affects hundreds of millions of people across the world. However, a good number of those infected never realize they have herpes at all. HSV 1 (oral herpes) and HSV 2 both usually occur asymptomatically. What’s more, the symptoms of herpes are generally mild. On the other hand, herpes has a negative stigma attached to it. And many who have it may not feel comfortable discussing it with others. It’s reasonable then to wonder, is there any danger in not disclosing HSV 2? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Herpes can pose a threat to some people’s health and wellness, and it’s important for people with herpes to disclose that information to their partner before physical contact takes place.
Herpes Symptoms
For most people, HSV 1 amounts to little more than the formation of cold sores on their lips or in their mouths. Herpes outbreaks may occur sporadically, but they do tend to subside over time. It is possible for someone with HSV 1 to give their partner genital herpes through oral sex.
Similarly, the most common symptom associated with HSV 2 is the appearance of small blisters on or near the genitals. Some people with weakened immune systems may experience more severe herpes outbreaks that include swollen lymph nodes or flu-like symptoms.
Herpes Complications
Herpes can present a health risk to some individuals –– particularly those who don’t seek treatment. For one, people with herpes are more likely to contract other, more dangerous STDs. Open sores or blisters caused by herpes may make STD transmission and contraction happen more frequently.
Additionally, women who contract herpes late in pregnancy increase the chances of spreading the infection to their newborn. Neonatal herpes is very rare, but it’s also very hazardous. It can even have fatal consequences for newborns.
Talking About Herpes
Telling your partner you have some form of herpes is the responsible thing to do. Of course, it may not be easy. Educating yourself on the issue will help you do this more effectively. Plus, these tips should help you get through this potentially awkward conversation:
- Talk in a private place where you both feel comfortable.
- Make sure to have this conversation early in a relationship –– before any physical contact occurs. (This includes kissing!)
- Be upfront and honest about what herpes is and how it’s transmitted.
- Answer any questions they may have about the issue. Most people are uninformed about herpes, and they may not realize that it’s a manageable condition.
Not discussing herpes with your partner early on could 1) jeopardize their health in some instances and 2) threaten the viability of your relationship. So it’s always better to talk about it!
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