What are the STDs that Cause Dry Skin?
STD symptoms are diverse. Indeed, different STDs can trigger a wide variety of physical reactions –– from pain during urination to a sore throat. And it’s not always obvious that an STD is at the root of an ailment. This is the case with our topic of the day: rashes. Rashes caused by STDs may appear innocuous; they might not itch, and some individuals might not even notice them at all. Yet, certain STDs can cause lesions or rashes to appear on the body. What are the STDs that cause dry skin? They are:
- Herpes
- Syphilis
Today, we’ll take a closer look at what symptoms these STDs cause and how you can protect your well-being.
HIV Rashes
A rash is typically one of the first noticeable symptoms of HIV. In general, rashes will appear within the first two months after initial contraction. An HIV rash is composed of small red bumps, and it can appear anywhere on the body including the abdomen, back, face, arms, or legs. Note, a rash caused by an STD may not manifest on or around the genitals.
HIV rashes are some of the most common symptoms of the disease. Around 90% of people with HIV will experience some sort of abnormality on their skin (rashes, shingles, lesions). Rashes are also often accompanied by other early common symptoms of HIV such as nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, and fever.
Syphilis Rashes
As opposed to HIV rashes, syphilis rashes occur a little later in the development of the infection. Syphilis has three stages. In the first stage, a small chancre or chancres will appear where the infection entered the body. After the chancre has disappeared (three-to-six weeks) rashes may then form on the body. Sometimes these rashes will appear on or near the spot of the original chancre. Other times, syphilis rashes may manifest on a person’s palms or on the soles of their feet. What’s more, these rashes rarely itch, and they can be very faint –– which makes detecting them difficult.
Herpes may cause rash-like symptoms to occur in some individuals. During herpes breakouts, small red bumps or blisters may appear on or around the genitals. These bumps look similar to other pustules (like zits or ingrown hairs) and they’re filled with fluid. When bunched together, they can be itchy and resemble a rash. Herpes sores tend to go away after about a week.
Other Causes of Dry Skin
Dry skin can occur as a result of dozens of different sources. However, when it comes to dry skin on or around the genital region, it’s possible that you could be suffering from any one of the following:
- Jock itch.
- Allergic reaction.
- Yeast infection.
- Eczema.
- Psoriasis.
Still, if you’ve noticed any worrying symptoms –– such as rashes or lesions on your body –– then it’s best to speak with a medical professional. Trying to self-diagnose is a dangerous practice that could lead to serious health issues!
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Worried that I may have been in contact with someone intimately that has possible STD or maybe just a skin rash on back of his hand…his rash looks like dry skin with a small white or reddish center…what are the most common if related to a STD…?ALSO, is there a test to find out what would cause this rash?
ReplySeveral STD’s can cause skin rash including syphilis which can easily be tested for, and with modern medicine today it can be treated as well! Get tested to get peace of mind and of course if that result is negative, you can provide your tests results to any dermatologist to help understand what other causes can be!