STD Symptoms in Men: 5 Warning Signs to Watch Out For
Learning about a problem might be frightening at first, but it’s preferable to being left in the dark. That statement goes double in regard to STDs. Unfortunately, many people remain uninformed when it comes to their sexual well-being. STDs often manifest themselves in subtle ways, and many people wrongly assume that unless STD symptoms appear quickly and severely, they must not be infected. The truth is though, most people who carry an STD don’t realize it. And if you’ve had sex recently (especially unprotected sex, or sex with a new partner) then you yourself are at risk. Today we’ll focus on STD symptoms in men and provide five warning signs that should give you pause and send you to the nearest testing center:
Pain During Urination
Perhaps unsurprisingly, most of these symptoms occur below the belt. Pain during urination is a common staple that applies to a host of STDs. Stinging, burning, and/or itching sensations occur when an STD has infected male genitalia. This may also include the need to urinate more frequently. Lastly, some men may experience a discharge emanating from the penis. This is a typical symptom of both chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Testicular Discomfort
Speaking of gonorrhea, it can cause one of the most uncomfortable STD symptoms for men. Epididymitis and other instances of testicular pain may indicate that you have an STD. Note, you don’t have to see any symptoms of an STD for a problem to exist. You may feel discomfort in your genitals without noticing anything else. This doesn’t mean that the problem isn’t serious or will go away on its own.
Blisters, Chancres, Sores, Warts
Perhaps the most obvious STD symptoms are small bumps, blisters, chancres, sores, or warts that appear on infected regions. In most instances, these little pimple-like bumps occur on or around the genitals. However, they may also manifest on or around the anus, mouth, or lips. What’s more, it’s virtually impossible to differentiate a syphilis chancre, from a herpes blister, from a genital wart, to a simple ingrown hair. Resist the urge to play doctor yourself and get it checked out instead!
Sore Throat
Even if you didn’t engage in oral sex, STDs can still spread to other parts of your body, including the throat. Notably, syphilis has been known to cause sore throats when it enters its second stage of development, so don’t make the mistake of dismissing these symptoms in the weeks or months following a sexual encounter.
The “Flu”
Headaches, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, fever, loss of appetite, diarrhea –– these sound like nasty flu symptoms, not warning signs of an STD. In reality though, flu-like symptoms are associated with a number of STDs –– including HIV.
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I’m glad you pointed out that pain during urination or the need to urinate more frequently may be signs of an STD. My son recently confided in me that he’s had to urinate much more frequently than usual, and he’s starting to feel concerned about his health. I suspect he may be sexually active, so I’ll definitely encourage him to get tested for STDs just in case.