“I’m not having any symptoms, so I don’t think I need to get tested.” This is a famous phrase and a common preconceived notion. Why wait for that surprise Herpes outbreak? I hear many patients say that they have been taking over-the-counter medicine because they think the discomfort during urination is just a UTI, or
Read morePeople usually fall into two classifications when it comes to administering to their own health and wellness: 1) They are either near or at Defcon Level 1 (which is the most severe) on the hypochondriac scale and are online daily with a digital self-diagnosis of terminal cancer and/or other fatal medical conditions, OR 2) They
Read moreSTDs are usually transmitted in 2 means: · via mucous membranes from the vagina, penis, anus or even mouth area coming into contact with contagious body liquids, such as semen, vaginal fluid , and blood · through skin-to-skin contact with sores or lesions. Skin -to-skin contact may involve genital-genital contact, oral-genital contact, or hand -genital
Read moreSexually transmitted disease symptoms act like the ones brought on by different infections. Symptoms differ per each sexually transmitted disease, however they involve blisters or sores around or on your genital region or in your mouth, pain or burning while urinating, odd release from your vaginal area or penis, itching, inflammation, pain in or around
Read moreA collection of sexually transmitted disease (STD) videos from across the internet. Same Day STD Testing Commercial STD Testing STD Testing Los Angeles STD Testing NYC STD Testing Orlando STD Testing Las Vegas
Read moreThe American Social Health Association states, “Approximately 18.9 million new cases of STDs (not including HIV) results each year in the U.S. More than half of all people will be infected with an STD at some point in their lifetime.” (Sexually Transmitted Diseases, ASHA, 2008). STDs are found in 1 out of 4 women and
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