Can You Get an STD from a Virgin?
Sex, sexuality, and STDs are often misunderstood. At Same Day, we’re used to fielding all sorts of questions about STDs and STD transmission. Plain and simple, there are a lot of myths and misinformation regarding STDs. As always, though, we aim to set the record straight little by little. Today, we’ll address our latest FAQ, namely, can you get an STD from a virgin? The answer, surprisingly, is yes. We’ll explain further below:
Oral Sex vs Sex
Of course, a virgin is a person who’s never had sexual intercourse. But the cultural understanding of “sex” doesn’t always align with the clinical definition of “sex.” For our purposes, sex constitutes all forms of sexual intercourse including vaginal, oral, and anal sex. So just because someone hasn’t engaged in vaginal sex, it doesn’t mean they’re a virgin.
The problem, of course, is that many people don’t consider oral sex to be “real sex.” In fact, some may even think of oral sex as a form of abstinence. Yet, it’s still possible to contract STDs from oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse. Also, you can contract/transmit an STD without ejaculation or penetration occurring. Keep in mind that it only takes one incident to get an STD.
STDs Without Sex
For the most part, STDs spread as a result of sexual intercourse. STDs do not spread from casual contact –– e.g. shaking someone’s hand or using a public toilet. However, there are ways to contract certain STDs without having intercourse. For instance, herpes can spread through skin-to-skin contact. It’s possible to contract herpes through acts like kissing or genital rubbing. Other STDs –– most notably HIV –– can transfer through the blood. This is why sharing needles is so dangerous.
Lastly, some people may even have inherited an STD from birth.
Diagnosing STDs
As we’ve now established, it’s possible for someone to be both a virgin and STD positive. This might come as troubling news to some. So how can you tell if you or your partner has an STD? While there are a number of signs and symptoms commonly associated with STDs, it’s never a smart idea to try and diagnose STDs on your own. You can’t tell if someone has an STD just by looking at them. What’s more, many STDs can remain asymptomatic for weeks or months at a time, and it’s easy to confuse STD symptoms for other conditions like acne or yeast infections.
Remember, STDs are very dangerous and can cause a catalogue of issues like infertility, nerve damage, blindness, and even death. The only way to know for sure if you and your partner are STD free is to get tested.
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