Crabs, Unfortunately without Butter
Pubic lice treatment options: Discover effective remedies for managing infestations. Explore a range of solutions to tackle this common problem.
Read moreDuring the past few weeks Milwaukee has seen a spike in cases of syphilis and HIV –– some among high-school students. And just as worrying, three infants have been diagnosed with syphilis as well. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to see this “cluster,” as an isolated incident; indeed, Milwaukee has seen a significant number of cases in
Read moreThe scariest words that I can hear from a patient are “I have been looking on the Internet and think I have symptoms of….” Let me tell you that is the recipe for disaster. If you look up a hangnail on a medical site, you will have convinced yourself that you will be dying within
Read moreThe symptoms of genital herpes virus fluctuate drastically from one individual to another, with many different men and women getting zero recognizable symptoms (asymptomatic). Herpes is one of the most popular sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) including oral and genital herpes. generally evolves inside of two to twenty days following initial exposure may continue on as
Read moreYes, STD’s can cause Cramps and Bloating! Cramps and bloating can be attributed to a variety of health conditions, ranging from indigestion to menstruation, but it’s important to be aware that these symptoms can sometimes point to a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). Gonorrhea and Chlamydia: Both Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are bacterial infections that can cause
Read moreFive STD Risk Factors to Consider To determine if you are at risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it is important to consider various factors. These include your sexual behaviors, the sexual behaviors of your partners, and any potential exposure to STDs. Here are some common risk factors: Unprotected sex: Engaging in sexual
Read moreAlright, fellas! We’ve all been there – you just had a fantastic, passionate romp, and suddenly, you find yourself with an unbearable itching sensation down below! Cue the awkwardness and confusion, right? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. In this post, we’ll discuss the most common causes of penis itching after sex, and remember, understanding
Read moreChlamydia, a highly prevalent sexually transmitted infection (STI), is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Although often asymptomatic, if left untreated, chlamydia can lead to several long-term health complications in males. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the potential long-term effects of chlamydia in males, the importance of early detection, and the available treatment options.
Read moreThe truth is, you’ve probably heard someone talk about blue waffle disease at some point or another. But what is blue waffle exactly? Is it even real? Well, the truth is that blue waffle isn’t an actual medical condition, but rather an urban legend. The term “blue waffle” originated on the internet and refers to
Read moreChronic syphilis, which is the most common form of the infection, is characterized by long-term symptoms that can recur or worsen over time. It is caused by the same bacterium that causes acute syphilis, and it can be transmitted through sexual contact. Treatment for chronic syphilis usually includes a combination of antibiotics, such as penicillin,
Read moreThe stats don’t lie: millions of Americans currently have an STD. Hundreds of thousands of new STD cases are reported each year, and it’s likely that many more go unrecorded. In other words, STDs are extremely common. As such, this means that every sexual encounter carries at least some potential for STD transmission. What are
Read moreHSV 2 –– also known as genital herpes –– is an extremely common STD. Herpes affects hundreds of millions of people across the world. However, a good number of those infected never realize they have herpes at all. HSV 1 (oral herpes) and HSV 2 both usually occur asymptomatically. What’s more, the symptoms of herpes
Read moreChlamydia is incredibly common. In 2018 alone, the CDC reported over 1.5 million chlamydial infections in the U.S. One of the big problems with chlamydia is that it can be difficult to identify. So can chlamydia be misdiagnosed? Absolutely. Here, we’ll explain everything you need to know about chlamydia, and what you should do if
Read moreMany people think that STDs are conspicuous diseases. In other words, they expect STDs to produce a lot of obvious symptoms –– and for those symptoms to appear quickly. Yet, the reality is that it’s impossible to tell if you have an STD immediately after contraction. In fact, lots of people who have STDs never
Read moreNo man wants to dwell on the subject of erectile dysfunction. Talking about it with others can be embarrassing, awkward, or downright scary. Yet, the reality is that erectile dysfunction can occur because of a myriad of physical problems. Can an STD cause erectile dysfunction? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Here, we’ll explain everything you
Read moreSTDs –– like many dangerous diseases –– are threatening in large part because of their ability to hide in place sight. Indeed, most STDs can remain asymptomatic for long periods of time. It’s entirely possible for someone to have an STD and not realize it. What’s more, when STD symptoms do appear, they may mimic
Read moreChlamydia is a common STD and is one of the most common notifiable diseases in the United States. Many people with chlamydia don’t develop symptoms, but those who do may experience genital discharge and pain during urination. Left untreated, chlamydia can cause serious and permanent damage to the reproductive system. The infection can spread into
Read moreSTDs pose a serious threat to health and wellness for everyone. So it’s easy to see why so many people are concerned about the possibility of STD contraction. Whether you’ve noticed common STD signs and symptoms or you’re nervous after a recent sexual encounter, thinking you might have an STD is a scary prospect. What’s
Read moreSTDs don’t appear out of thin air. Though STDs are very common, there are only a few ways that most STDs can spread. In other words, the only way to get an STD is from someone else. STDs don’t manifest in the human body naturally. So if you’re in a relationship, can you get an
Read moreSex, sexuality, and STDs are often misunderstood. At Same Day, we’re used to fielding all sorts of questions about STDs and STD transmission. Plain and simple, there are a lot of myths and misinformation regarding STDs. As always, though, we aim to set the record straight little by little. Today, we’ll address our latest FAQ,
Read moreThough millions of people currently have an STD –– and millions more are at-risk for contracting an STD –– many individuals have never had an STD test before. This is understandable to some degree. STD testing can seem scary, invasive, or even shameful. Yet, the reality is quite different. STD testing is safe, confidential, and
Read moreStarting a new relationship is always exciting. It’s a lot of fun to get to know someone and to experience new things with them. However, at the end of the day, all sexually active people should be aware of the dangers that STDs present. No matter how much you may like a new partner, it
Read moreTime is of the essence when it comes to identifying, diagnosing, and treating STDs. Indeed, the sooner diagnosis occurs, the sooner treatment can follow. To use an extreme example, diagnosing HIV early in its development could potentially save a person’s life. As such, it’s understandable why so many people value fast STD testing. If you’re
Read moreThough business at live adult entertainment venues –– i.e. strip clubs –– has slumped over the past few years, the industry as a whole generated $1.4 billion in 2018. That’s a lot of cocktails, bachelor parties, and, yes, lap dances. Unfortunately, some people may be worried about their health after a trip to the strip
Read morePartners in a committed relationship may experience problems with STDs just like single individuals. Of course, dealing with infidelity and possible STD transmission/contraction while in a relationship creates its own set of unique problems. With that in mind, today we’re going to share some key facts about infidelity STDs. Below, we’ll address how people get
Read moreAt Same Day STD Testing, we believe that everyone has the right to fast, confidential STD tests when they need them. Regular testing is crucial to long-term STD prevention. What’s more, early diagnosis of certain STDs can allow medical professionals to manage or even cure potentially dangerous infections. However, many people are reticent to get
Read moreSTD symptoms are diverse. Indeed, different STDs can trigger a wide variety of physical reactions –– from pain during urination to a sore throat. And it’s not always obvious that an STD is at the root of an ailment. This is the case with our topic of the day: rashes. Rashes caused by STDs may
Read morePretty much everyone has heard an STD horror story from someone they know, such as an acquaintance or a friend of a friend. Usually, these stories are about contracting an STD in a strange or abnormal way. Consider the persistence of the (false) claim that you can get an STD from a toilet seat, and
Read moreSitting around and waiting for the results of an STD test is enough to rattle the nerves of even the most composed individual. After all, it’s frightening to be unsure about your health and wellness. What’s more, some STD tests can take several days or even weeks to deliver accurate results. That’s a lot of
Read moreHepatitis is an often misunderstood disease. Hepatitis comes in a variety of forms, and it can be contracted in a number of ways. But the reality is that hepatitis is very dangerous. According to the CDC, hepatitis C kills more Americans than any other infectious disease. With that in mind, we’re going to take a
Read moreIt’s bad enough that STDs can produce a number of painful symptoms and generate a variety of serious health conditions –– including potentially fatal problems. For many people, the stigma associated with STDs can be even worse than the infection itself. And while it’s understandable that many would like to know how to get rid
Read morePain in the urethra is about as unpleasant a condition as one could imagine. Unfortunately, several common STDs are associated with urethral irritation and urethritis. Urethritis is the condition in which the urethra becomes inflamed or irritated. Millions of Americans contract urethritis every year –– often as a result of STDs. As such, today we’re
Read moreThough STDs have been reported for hundreds of years, the reality is that many people don’t understand these infections very well. STDs are unpleasant –– or in other words –– gross. So it’s no wonder that many people don’t want to learn the ins and outs of these infections. However, it’s very important for sexually
Read moreEyes are sensitive body parts. They can be damaged in a number of ways –– from bright lights, to an accidental poke of a finger. And because human eyes are coated with a mucous membrane, they are susceptible to STD transmission. That’s right –– it’s possible to get an STD in your eye. One of
Read more“STD” stands for Sexually Transmitted Disease, and, in the main, STDs occur as a result of sexual activity. This much should be obvious. However, it is possible to contract an STD without having sex. So even if you’re a virgin, you still could be at risk for contracting an STD. How can you get an
Read moreThere are two distinct forms of HIV that currently exist: HIV 1 and HIV 2. In technical terms, HIV 2 is more than 55% genetically different from HIV 1. However, the main practical difference between the two relates to geography and prevalence. HIV 1 is very often referred to as just HIV; it is the
Read moreDiscomfort or itching following sexual intercourse is a common issue that many men experience. The reality is that there are a number of conditions that can contribute to penis itching after sex. Some are relatively minor and can be addressed quickly, while others require medical attention. Today, we’ll examine seven different causes of penis itching
Read moreGenital sores, bumps, rashes, spots, and pimples are alarming for obvious reasons. And it’s natural to assume that penis sores are the result of a sexually transmitted disease. In many instances, that is indeed the case. However, STDs aren’t the only cause of bumps, rashes, or sores on or around the genitals. What’s more, different
Read moreIt’s a good idea for women to visit their gynecologist regularly. That’s because gynecologists provide important services for women. During wellness tests, gynecologists can help women deal with annoying issues like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis. And, of course, gynecologists also work to diagnose dangerous diseases like cervical and breast cancer. But can a gynecologist
Read moreFor good reason, HIV is still one of the most frightening diseases around. Despite many positive developments in terms of HIV prevention and treatment over the past few years, there is still no cure for HIV. And HIV still poses a fatal threat. What’s potentially even scarier is that many individuals don’t have an understanding
Read moreSeveral different STDs may cause genital discharge to occur. The most common of the “discharge-producing” infections are gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. Typically, women will experience discharge as a result of an STD more than men. (It’s worth noting that women experience normal discharge in the form of menstruation and the expulsion vaginal fluids.) However, herpes
Read moreIt’s easy to assume that STDs only affect the genital region. However, certain STDs can affect many different areas of the body. And it’s possible to experience STDs symptoms in the eyes, mouth, on the soles of your feet, the palms of your hands, and within your abdomen. If left untreated, it’s even possible for
Read morePimples and zits are usually just an annoyance. However, when small pustules appear on the pubic region, it’s natural for individuals to feel some concern and wonder if pimples appearing around the penis or vagina are dangerous. However, many people experience some form of genital acne. And in short, no, vaginal pimples are not dangerous.
Read moreIt should go without saying, but the penis is a sensitive organ. Unsurprisingly, most men will feel concern if they notice any sort of abnormality that forms on or around their genitals. This includes bumps, rashes, burning sensations, and –– today’s topic –– penis discoloration. Penis discoloration can occur for a wide range of reasons;
Read moreIngrown hairs are a minor, though common, annoyance. STDs, on the other hand, are potentially serious infections that can cause a myriad of health issues. Unfortunately, bumps caused by certain STDs can appear very similar to ingrown hairs, zits, or benign cysts that manifest on or around the genitals. As such, it can be difficult
Read moreDetecting the presence of an STD like gonorrhea isn’t always straightforward. In fact, it can be quite difficult to identify an STD by outward symptoms alone. Often STDs can remain asymptomatic, and even when symptoms do occur, they may appear similar to other common conditions like acne or the flu. That brings us to today’s
Read moreAs frightening as some people find STDs, many others are more terrified of the STD testing process itself. This is unfortunate. In reality, there’s nothing to be afraid of in regard to an STD test. STD testing methods have advanced quite a bit in recent years, and you can even perform certain tests in the
Read moreContrary to what some people may think, STD symptoms are not restricted to the genital region. The truth is, STDs can manifest in a number of different ways, and they can even exist in multiple places within the body at once. As such, diseases like gonorrhea may be present within the genitals, in the mouth
Read moreNormal vaginal discharge is completely healthy and serves a beneficial purpose, namely, to wash away dead skin cells and bacteria from the cervix and vagina. However, the difference between healthy, regular vaginal discharge, and discharge caused by an STD, for instance, can be quite slight. As such, it’s important that all sexually active individuals know
Read moreThere are few things more irritating than a constant itch. What’s more, experiencing a bad itch in the pubic area is particularly vexatious. Unfortunately, pubic itching can occur for a number of reasons, and determining the cause of pubic itching can be difficult. With that in mind, today we’ll focus on six common reasons for
Read moreMany people, both men and women, will experience pain during and/or after sex at some point. However, feeling discomfort after sex isn’t something you should ignore. Rather, itching, burning, and soreness during or after intercourse typically indicates some sort of problem. So while irritation after sex isn’t uncommon, it’s not normal either. Here, we’ll explain
Read moreOne of the scariest feelings possible is needing an STD test, but not knowing what to do next. Unfortunately, scores of people across the country experience that anxiety every day. If you’ve never needed to get tested before, it can be quite unnerving to try and find a free STD clinic. Here, we’ll explain how
Read moreUnexplained pain anywhere on the body is a concerning and upsetting occurrence. But consistent discomfort on, in, or around the testicles is just about unbearable. It’s tough to think about –– let alone discuss. However, testicular pain could indicate a major health problem and even the presence of an STD. As such, if you’ve experienced
Read moreWhile most symptoms of STDs are subtle, easy-to-overlook, or mild, discharge emanating from the penis is sure to attract attention. Indeed, unexpected penile discharge is enough to alarm anyone. However, male discharge can occur for a number of reasons. And its appearance, consistency, and smell also may also vary on a case-by-case basis. Is male
Read moreFor centuries, people have used animal intestines to fashion contraceptives, specifically, condoms. And though lambskin condoms fell out of favor with the advent of latex condoms in the 1920s, many people still prefer lambskin condoms to their more prevalent latex alternatives. But do lambskin condoms protect against STDs? In a word, no. The CDC does
Read moreEvery year, millions of Americans get streptococcal pharyngitis, better known as strep throat. Sore throats are common, easily treatable, and for most people they never amount to anything more than a mild inconvenience. What is worrying, though, is that the symptoms of oral gonorrhea are very similar to those of strep throat. Plus, a good
Read moreThe human body smells. Though we spend a great deal of time and energy masking unpleasant bodily odors, the truth of the matter is that a degree of genital odor is normal –– particularly from the vagina. And there’s no reason to be ashamed of a normal, natural genital smell. However, fishy or unpleasant odors
Read moreJust about everyone experiences a pain in the back now and again. Indeed, studies suggest that back pain accounts for 264 million lost work days every year. Though most of the time back pain is a fleeting nuisance, it can occasionally be the result of something more sinister. Indeed, certain STDs and conditions caused by
Read moreA single STD on its own is a gruesome enough prospect. But what about contracting multiple STDs? Can you have STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea at the same time? The answer is yes. In fact, it’s fairly commonplace for individuals to carry more than one STD at once. That’s why it’s important for all sexually
Read moreUnlike other common bacterial STDs like chlamydia or gonorrhea, syphilis is a potentially fatal infection. Indeed, even as recently as 2015 over 100,000 people worldwide died as a result of syphilis infections. The silver lining to this issue is that since syphilis is a bacterial disease, it can be treated relatively quickly and cured completely
Read moreTrying to self-diagnose an STD is a risky and ultimately futile practice. STDs tend to manifest in subtle ways –– if at all –– and when they do it’s easy to confuse one STD for another. What’s more, there are a number of other issues like razor burn, acne, or jock itch that can appear
Read moreItching is one of the most common STD symptoms for both men and women. Indeed, itching can manifest in a number of areas on the body and result from a variety of STDs. So, to address the titular question: does chlamydia make you itch? The short answer is yes, it can. However, just because you’ve
Read moreFor many, the college experience is the most rewarding period in their life. Yet, college students comprise a high-risk group for STD contraction. Indeed, researchers consistently find individuals aged 15-24 to be among the most susceptible to getting an STD. But what are the most prevalent STDs on college campuses and how can college students
Read moreIt’s unwise to think that some STDs are harmless. The reality is, all sexually transmitted infections carry some degree of health risk –– for you, your partner(s), and, potentially, your children. If you suspect you may have an STD, it’s imperative that you get tested and seek treatment as soon as possible. Having said that,
Read moreThe last thing most people want to do is discuss their sexual health with a stranger. Indeed, STDs cause all sorts of emotional distress and anxiety, which is why “at-home” tests carry such appeal. After all, what could be better than performing a discreet test from the comfort of your own bathroom? Unfortunately, self-test kits
Read moreSTDs affect men and women differently. One STD that tends to impact the lives of women more than men is chlamydia. It’s worth noting here that women under 25 are most “at risk” for contracting chlamydia statistically, but any sexually active person can get chlamydia. Part of the reason why chlamydia is so prevalent is
Read moreContrary to popular belief, most people don’t immediately notice they’ve contracted an STD. In fact, many people who have an STD never realize it. That’s because STDs often manifest in subtle ways. Though pop culture associates STDs with a myriad of gross and eye-catching symptoms, the reality is you can’t tell if you or someone
Read more“Uh-oh.” We all have “uh-oh” moments from time to time. Like when you fumble in your pockets and can’t find your keys. Or when you’re sitting in traffic and you can’t remember if you turned the stove off. However, no one wants to experience an “uh-oh” moment in regard to their sexual well-being. Finding bumps
Read moreSome conversations are easier to have than others. Unsurprisingly, many people are hesitant to bring up the subject of STDs with their significant other –– even if they have reason for concern. We understand that sexual wellness is a sensitive topic, and new couples hardly want to think about the possibility of venereal disease as
Read moreSTDs are such an odious prospect for some people that they’d rather ignore their existence than get tested –– even when they desperately need to. Alternatively, others believe that because infections like gonorrhea and chlamydia are relatively common, they’re not dangerous. What’s more, some factions seem to think that their immune system will “heal” STDs
Read moreLook, we get it. We understand why a person with an STD would value a natural solution to their problem. However, the harsh reality is, natural remedies for STDs do not work. Period. We can’t stress this enough: don’t spend your hard-earned money on supplements, vitamins, or other substances online that purport to cure STDs.
Read moreNo one likes to think about intimate problems like UTIs (urinary tract infections) or STDs –– especially if you’ve never had one before. For many, experiencing symptoms related to both UTIs and STDs can be a frightening experience, one fraught with uncertainty and anxiety. Fortunately, a little education and sound advice can go a long
Read moreRegrettable decisions are just that –– regrettable. Unfortunately, choosing to have unprotected sex with someone you don’t know very well is a decision many people come to rue. That’s because it only takes one instance of sexual contact for STD transmission to occur. But just what are the chances of getting an STD from one
Read morePerhaps the only thing worse than finding out that you have an STD is breaking the news to your partner. Unfortunately, over a million people get chlamydia every year and are forced to have this tough conversation with their partner. There’s no way around it: telling your partner you have an STD is difficult. However,
Read moreAt Same Day, we’re accustomed to fielding questions about the STD testing process. Indeed, if you’ve never had an STD test before, you might understandably be concerned about how certain tests are administered. In particular, the male STD test procedure inspires a good deal of anxiety for many men. The good news is, getting tested
Read moreNo person worried about their well-being should be kept in the dark about testing methods and procedures. STDs are confusing and frightening enough on their own. Unfortunately, there are nearly as many myths about STD testing as there are STDs themselves. At Same Day STD Testing, it’s our goal to educate as many people as
Read moreMost people would prefer never to think about STDs, STD testing, or STD contraction ever again. Burying your head in the sand and pretending that STDs don’t exist, however, won’t protect you from the dangers they present. Indeed, the much wiser decision is to educate yourself on STDs, and figure out when to get tested
Read moreLearning about a problem might be frightening at first, but it’s preferable to being left in the dark. That statement goes double in regard to STDs. Unfortunately, many people remain uninformed when it comes to their sexual well-being. STDs often manifest themselves in subtle ways, and many people wrongly assume that unless STD symptoms appear
Read moreIt’s always dangerous to make assumptions –– particularly in regard to your well-being. The bad news is, many women do wrongly assume that pap smears and pelvic exams act as STD tests. Indeed, though pap smears are important, they’re not comprehensive in terms of detecting STDs. So just because you’ve recently had a pap smear
Read moreWhen it comes to the health of your child, you can’t be too careful. The good news is, relatively few babies are born with STDs thanks to modern testing, screening, and treatment methods. However, some children are born with STDs, and STDs do affect a number of pregnancies every year. And it’s important for all
Read moreMany people feel stressed in the days following a sexual encounter. If you’ve had unprotected sex with a partner you don’t know very well, you might be concerned about a number of issues, including sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, most folks only worry about an STD for a few days, and –– if no symptoms appear
Read moreSTDs are a frightening enough prospect under normal circumstances. However, women who are expecting or who are trying to become pregnant have even more to worry about. That’s because STDs present a threat to both mother and child. Indeed, STDs can cause a number of birth complications and other postnatal issues as well. Fortunately, mothers
Read moreIf STDs were coffee shops, chlamydia would be Starbucks. In other words, chlamydia is very common. Indeed, chlamydia is the most reported bacterial disease in the US, and the CDC notes roughly 1.5 million chlamydia infections occur every year. Still, a large portion of those infected with chlamydia don’t know they have it and probably
Read moreIn a perfect world, STDs wouldn’t exist. And while there are scientists and medical professionals dedicated to eradicating STDs completely, the truth is STDs won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact, just the opposite is true; STD rates have risen in recent years. As an individual you can only do so much to prevent
Read moreTrichomoniasis is a sonically menacing STD. Most people don’t know how to pronounce this disease –– let alone if they need to look out for it. Indeed, trichomoniasis (or “trich” from here on) is a relatively unknown STD. This is surprising considering the fact that according to the CDC, it’s the most common curable STD.
Read moreGetting a positive STD test result is never a good thing. We won’t sugarcoat it, it can be difficult to deal with an STD –– no matter how severe or mild the health risk associated with it may be. However, it’s especially frightening to get the news that you’ve picked up an STD that’s incurable.
Read morePeople find STDs more revolting than just about any other type of ailment. As a society, we don’t like talking about STDs, thinking about STDs, and deep down, we all just wish they’d go away forever. But can they? Can STDs go away on their own if enough time passes? It’s a question a lot
Read moreIt’s easy to underestimate the power of language. After all, most people don’t spend their free time analyzing speech patterns or studying subtle changes in terminology. However, the way we talk about a subject has a major impact on how we perceive it. It’s why we use euphemisms to soften the blow, or hyperbole to
Read moreWe humans kiss each other all the time. From greetings and farewells, to expressions of romantic intent and even love, a kiss can mean a great number of things. In fact, the average person will spend around two weeks of their life kissing. Unsurprisingly, most of us think of kissing as an innocent act, and
Read moreUncertainty about your own health and wellness is one of the worst feelings anyone can experience. And unfortunately, STDs are often at the center of that uncertainty. Indeed, unlike other diseases, STDs tend to be shrouded in mystery and the dangers of STDs are often misrepresented. This is particularly bad news for individuals who mistake
Read moreIt’s unfortunate, but STD statistics from recent times underline some troubling national trends. Over the past few years, the US has seen dramatic rises in cases of common STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia. In addition, around 40,000 people contract HIV every year. Just as troubling though, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that only
Read moreSometimes life is just plain rough. And finding out that you have an STD –– especially a viral one –– is enough to shatter anyone’s psyche. Sadly, some people allow a positive STD test to dictate how they’re going to live their life, and the psychological effects of living with an STD like herpes are
Read moreIn terms of anxiety, few experiences match the nerves of having to wait for the results of an STD test. Even though getting tested is the responsible decision, it doesn’t make the wait for an STD test result any less stressful. Indeed, often worse than the waiting itself is the uncertainty of the whole process.
Read moreProfessionals in the medical field have long lamented the inability to accurately measure the prevalence of STDs within the population. One big stumbling block to arriving at accurate STD statistics is the fact that many people who have STDs don’t even know it. What’s more, you can’t tell if someone has an STD just by
Read moreOften, the fear of the unknown is a lot worse than the reality of a situation. Such is the case with syphilis. Syphilis is a common STD that can cause major damage to a number of internal systems –– if it’s left undiagnosed and untreated. So while it poses a major threat as a disease,
Read moreIt’s safe to say that STDs are often misrepresented in TV shows, movies, and modern pop culture in general. Unfortunately, this leads to some major mass misconceptions regarding their nature in reality. Just why that is the case is up for conjecture –– and a discussion for another day. For now, we’ll be focusing on
Read moreNow that we’ve moved past Memorial Day in the calendar, it’s safe to say we’ve transitioned once again from spring to summer. And with the advent of summer upon us, everyone can look forward to all of the barbecues, backyard parties, and trips to the local swimming hole that are sure to follow. However, for
Read moreThere are few feelings worse than coming back with an unexpected positive result from an STD test. Indeed, it’s natural to feel upset, confused, angry, or even frightened in the aftermath of a positive test. (Still, it’s better to uncover a positive test result early, than to allow a potentially dangerous STD to fester.) What’s
Read moreThere’s an unfortunate misconception that STDs only occur below the belt. Even worse, some people still believe that oral sex is a safe way to avoid getting an STD. The truth is though, you can get an STD of the mouth a lot easier than you might suspect. Indeed, just because you abstain from vaginal
Read moreAs more and more Americans become aware of the need to receive regular STD tests, it’s only natural that many would wonder about insurance providers potentially covering the costs associated with STD testing. It’s also understandable that people would like to see their health insurance foot the bill for this vital service. However, there are
Read moreSelf-diagnosis is a dangerous game to play when dealing with problems below the belt. If you’re experiencing symptoms that are causing you pain or discomfort in the genital region, you need to resist the urge to address the problem on your own. Going online and trying to find a definitive prognosis without consulting a professional
Read moreEvery sexually active person should have at least a basic understanding of STDs and the risks associated with them. Additionally, knowing how to prevent STDs –– and how to mitigate against spreading STDs –– is just as important. Given the prevalence of venereal diseases in America preventing STDs may seem like an uphill battle, but
Read moreHerpes is one of the most misunderstood STDs, and as a result, there are a number of myths and misconceptions regarding the disease. Indeed, many people are unsure what to make of herpes. It’s a confusing and seemingly contradictory STD that comes in multiple strains and affects people differently. Perhaps then it’s not surprising that
Read moreIf you’ve seen your regular doctor at all recently, you’ve probably surmised that STD testing isn’t a part of a “normal” check-up procedure. Indeed, if you don’t express concern about potentially having an STD, it’s unlikely your doctor will broach the subject on their own. It’s also important to note that plenty of STDs are
Read moreSpring break is one of the great collegiate traditions that every student should enjoy. However, after the dust settles many students return home to find a nasty shock waiting for them. Indeed, worse than any sunburn, hangover, or ill-conceived tattoo, picking up an STD can present major health problems –– especially if you don’t receive
Read moreThere are some instances in life where it pays to be picky: selecting an engagement ring. Buying a car. Applying for a job. However, when it comes to STD testing, the idea of picking and choosing is a dangerous one. The question shouldn’t be, “what STDs should I get tested for?” Rather, every sexually active
Read moreMost people recognize that STDs are a serious problem. However, there are a number of folks out there who dismiss STDs as either something they don’t believe could ever happen to them, or who view them as a minor inconvenience. After all, what’s the worst that can happen if you have an STD? We’ll be
Read moreBroaching the subject of STD testing with your partner, significant other, or spouse is a difficult conversation to have. But it shouldn’t have to be. Indeed, the benefits of seeking out regular STD tests are numerous, and the risks you run if you eschew this important service are potentially fatal. The truth is though, there
Read moreSTDs aren’t ever pleasant to think think about. However, it’s important for all sexually active men to at least have a cursory understanding of some common STDs –– if for no other reason than to maintain their own health and the health of their partners. Today we’re going to focus on the most common STDs
Read moreDuring the past few weeks Milwaukee has seen a spike in cases of syphilis and HIV –– some among high-school students. And just as worrying, three infants have been diagnosed with syphilis as well. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to view this “cluster,” as an isolated incident; indeed, there has also been a significant number of chlamydia
Read moreSTDs freak people out; there’s no other way to put it. STDs cause such fear and revulsion among the populous that they’ve developed a mythology of their own. Much like anything that unduly frightens people, stories are bound to crop up that exaggerate or dilute the truth. As such, drawing the line between fact and
Read moreNo STD has caused more panic or received more attention that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV.) For the past forty odd years, truth has mingled with rumor and plain falsehoods when it comes to this most frightening of STDs. Despite all the attention, confusion still persists around the nature of HIV, and who’s susceptible to
Read moreNo one wants to think about picking up an STD. The very thought is enough to make most people’s skin crawl, and it’s no wonder that many would rather not educate themselves than face up to the rather gruesome reality of STDs. However, if you’re a sexually active woman, you can’t afford to overlook this
Read moreEveryone knows what an STD is. Right? What with the amount of readily available information on STDs, free brochures, and cultural references to STDs, one could assume that it’s common knowledge for most people. Yet, the fine distinction between an STD and an STI is one the average person probably can’t make. Fortunately, we’re here
Read moreIf you’ve ever known someone who contracted an STD, chances are it was chlamydia. That’s because chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the USA today. (So technically chlamydia isn’t an STD; it’s an STI.) Indeed, the CDC estimates that around three million people a year contract chlamydia. While that number is certainly
Read moreEveryone loves a good deal. Whether you aim to save a few bucks by switching cell-phone carriers, or by collecting coupons for your next trip to the store, the point is people are always looking for ways to save. Indeed, the desire to get something for nothing extends as far as the realm of STD
Read moreUncertainty is never a good thing. And it’s especially unnerving in regard to STDs. Indeed, one of the worst feelings anyone can experience is doubting their well-being after a sexual encounter. As such, it’s probably not surprising that many people are hesitant to get themselves tested; after all, there’s so much misinformation regarding STDs and
Read moreEveryone gets sick from time to time. Of course, you don’t go see your doctor for every little ailment you experience, though. Men of a certain age are especially finicky about scheduling doctor’s appointments –– still, most of the time things work out. You feel better and your symptoms dissipate and you move on with
Read moreIt’s one of the last things you want to think about; we get it. However, because most people don’t like to consider the possibility of getting an STD, they tend not to have a plan if they actually contract one. And that remains true even though millions of people in the US get an STD
Read moreUncertainty is never a good thing. And it’s especially unnerving in regard to STDs. Indeed, one of the worst feelings anyone can experience is doubting their well-being after a sexual encounter. As such, it’s probably not surprising that many people are reticent to get themselves tested; after all, there’s so much misinformation regarding STDs and
Read moreLet’s get real. Sex is fun. At least it can be. So, what is the fuss about? Who doesn’t love sex? And is there such a thing as “too much” sex? Scholars can’t agree on whether sex addiction is a real thing or not. DSM-5 Hypersexual Behavior Disorder was not included in the Diagnostic Statistical
Read moreWhen it comes to STD testing, all results are not created equal. There are highly accurate results available from some groups, and some facilities/retailers that provide testing products which have been proven to not be quite as accurate. Maybe faster, but less accurate. And this is your health we’re talking about here. Not getting a
Read more“I’m not having any symptoms, so I don’t think I need to get tested.” This is a famous phrase and a common preconceived notion. Why wait for that surprise Herpes outbreak? I hear many patients say that they have been taking over-the-counter medicine because they think the discomfort during urination is just a UTI, or
Read moreThe testing process sounds simple enough, right? Go to the lab. Give a sample. Receive results in one to three business days. What is so difficult about this one might ask? After all, waiting is a part of life. We wait for stop lights during a commute to work, an elevator in an office building,
Read morePeople usually fall into two classifications when it comes to administering to their own health and wellness: 1) They are either near or at Defcon Level 1 (which is the most severe) on the hypochondriac scale and are online daily with a digital self-diagnosis of terminal cancer and/or other fatal medical conditions, OR 2) They
Read moreMy first experience with STD testing wasn’t the most pleasant. In fact, it went so “well” that I didn’t even go through with it. I went to my primary care physician for my yearly physical before moving out of state. It was just a normal overall checkup, and he asked if anything was bothering
Read moreOmaha launches what can easily be called the country’s most disgusting ad campaign – targeting a rising STD rates… A graphic sexual health campaign aims to combat rising STD rates in Omaha, Neb., by grossing out young people with giant flesh-and-pus letters that deliver off-putting puns. Billboards and bus posters around the city, as well
Read moreOfficials believe online dating services and apps that lead to casual romantic encounters are at least partially to blame for an increase in sexually transmitted diseases in Rhode Island, putting the state in the midst of an emerging debate over how the technology affects public health. With rates of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia at a
Read moreInfectious diseases seem to come and go, sometimes causing scary outbreaks, while other times seeming to disappear. But some infectious pathogens are always with us, lurking just below the surface of society. With almost 54,000 new cases of STDs each day, its important to protect yourself. If you have had at-risk sex, make sure to
Read moreSame Day STD Testing offers are same day service for getting tested for STDs(sexually transmitted diseases). Your testing is fast and confidential with the help offered. Order testing for all major STDs and HIV easily over the phone. We will ask you a few questions and help you decide which type of testing is right
Read moreHere are some great examples of vintage STD pictures. These are very interesting and a great look at views of STDs many years ago. You can view more galleries at Non Profit STD Testing of STD pictures by browsing through the website.
Read moreGonorrhea is often a bacterial infection this is carried via acts like oral, anal, or even vaginal sex along with a person who may be have been infected with the particular gonorrhea bacteria. Gonorrhea is really a treatable std and it is brought on by the particular microorganisms Neisseria gonorrhoeae in which evolves inside warm
Read morePer the Annotated Code of Maryland, Health-General Article, §17-215, processing lab orders within the state of Maryland is strictly prohibited.
Read moreNext month will be STD Awareness Month across the country. The CDC website for STD Awareness has access materials, education tools, and information to help you support STD awareness and prevention events. SameDaySTDTesting reminds everybody to get STD tested, especially young adults. All females that are sexually active and are under 26 should be tested annually
Read moreSTD and HIV awareness events are important to stopping the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Many awareness days and months span the entire year. This is a list of the main STD and HIV awareness days and when they occur. STD Awareness Month April National HIV Testing Day June 27th National Women adn Girls HIV/AIDS
Read moreSexually active young women are not getting tested for chlamydia. This overlooked problem can lead to more serious health concerns later down the road including infertility. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a new freshly released survey found that 38% of sexually active women and girls were screened for chlamydia in the
Read moreGuild and scare tactics are used extensively throughout the collection. Some of the facts used in these posters are very far stretches of the truth. If you were to believe a lot of these posters you would be to scared to even think of having sex.
Read moreWhats Up With Legal Paternity Tests? When dealing with a paternity test that can results in legal motion it is necessary that everybody included receives a legal and courtroom admissible paternity test. Most of these tests can be utilized inside a court docket of legislation and it is usually carried out on both equally mother
Read moreSTDPictures.org STD Picture Resource is a great website to see the effects of sexually transmitted diseases on your body. Image galleries cover herpes 1, herpes 2, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Pictures of STDs can be graphic and are probably NSFW. STDPictures.org is the #1 resource for pictures and images of STD symptoms on the web. Also
Read moreA new report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention says that the number of chlamydia infections in Wyoming since 2007 has increased sharply. Right now Wyoming has the 26th-highest rate of chlamydia infection in the United States. In 2007 Wyoming ranked 44th overall. With 588 reported cases, Laramie County ranks with the
Read morePeople in the adult film industry are required to wear condoms while performing now that the Los Angeles City Council has given final approval to a city ordinance. Around 90% of porn films are produced in the Los Angeles area. Primary in the San Fernando Valley area.
Read moreTrichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. The highest number of cases are found in females between the ages of 16 and 35. This STD is spread through sexual contact with an infected partner. Trichomoniasis affects both men and women. Signs and symptoms will differ between the
Read moreThere has been a dramatic rise in the number of syphilis cases in the Cincinnati area. This increase is having a negative effect on STD rates in the Dayton area. Cincinnati Rise in Syphilis Hamilton County is reporting a major increase in new syphilis cases from 2006 to 2010. In 2010 there were a staggering 420 cases
Read moreA new video from Same Day STD Testing is up and ready to be watched on youtube. This is one of a series of videos that will be released over time on our Youtube Channel for SameDaySTDTesting. The clip illustrates how they take the fear out of getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases. With great
Read moreA large increase in syphilis cases has been reported by the Health Department for the first part of 2012. This has encouraged an increased effort by the city to curb the rising Syphilis rates. This is not good news considering that Houston has seen declines in Syphilis cases reported in the previous 3 years. The
Read moreA human immunodeficiency virus, or even HIV, is often a virus this assaults the actual immunity process, which is the body’s normal safety. Without getting a strong body’s defense mechanisms, our body possesses difficulty battling condition. HIV invades and also ruins certain types of whitened blood tissue. In case too many of these white blood
Read moreThe particular human immunodeficiency virus, as well as HIV, is actually a virus in which attacks the particular body’s defense mechanisms, the particular body’s healthy security. Without a solid disease fighting capability, the body features hassle overcoming condition. HIV invades as well as eliminates certain kinds of white our blood cells. If diet program most
Read moreThousands of Mardi Gras beads will be loaded with condoms in Soulard this year. They’re part of an “in your face” attempt to fight sexually transmitted diseases in St. Louis. Those behind the effort told Fox 2 Tuesday night, that it was far from being “over the top”. For one thing, the “condom beads” will
Read moreWhat is World AIDS Day? World AIDS Day is a great opportunity for people worldwide to network and work together to fight against the HIV virus. When is World AIDS Day? December 1st of every year events takes places all over the world to bring to light the worldwide effects of HIV and AIDS. It is reported that
Read moreMiddle-aged lover swappers are generally more prone to end up contaminated as compared to prostitutes a new Dutch scientific study has found. All those untamed and even crazy evenings could be catching up with swingers while they get older, brand-new research found. Numerous not related medical related research has observed the fact that swingers aka-
Read moreSTDs are usually transmitted in 2 means: · via mucous membranes from the vagina, penis, anus or even mouth area coming into contact with contagious body liquids, such as semen, vaginal fluid , and blood · through skin-to-skin contact with sores or lesions. Skin -to-skin contact may involve genital-genital contact, oral-genital contact, or hand -genital
Read moreWarning signs of aids are more revealing compared to warning signs of hiv (for an hiv infection, there could possibly be no indications in anyway) arresting the progression of the infection may be possible, even though comprehensive reversal in the form of a remedy still eludes aids people. Those that live with hiv have particular
Read moreThe microbial condition inside the genital region, chlamydia typically shows hardly any signs and symptoms by any means in females, especially in early periods involving illness. If signs develop, women could detect these within three weeks of exposure to it. Soreness throughout the time of intercourse, vaginal discharge, soreness inside the lower stomach and discomfort
Read moreSexually transmitted disease symptoms act like the ones brought on by different infections. Symptoms differ per each sexually transmitted disease, however they involve blisters or sores around or on your genital region or in your mouth, pain or burning while urinating, odd release from your vaginal area or penis, itching, inflammation, pain in or around
Read moreHerpes simplex virus signs or symptoms can be found around the penis, over the vulva, close to the rectum, into the vagina, and on the thighs. It’s quite common for ladies to experience worse signs or symptoms associated with genital herpes as compared to males. Sometimes whenever women acquire the infection if signs and symptoms
Read moreA collection of sexually transmitted disease (STD) videos from across the internet. Same Day STD Testing Commercial STD Testing STD Testing Los Angeles STD Testing NYC STD Testing Orlando STD Testing Las Vegas
Read moreGonorrhea can be described as sexually transmitted disease containing disorders for instance painful joints, rash, along with blisters around the feet, toes, fingers as well as hands. In some instances,there can be a burning discomfort when peeing, and an uncommon release out of the penis being the sole evident symptoms. Guys can also acquire gonorrhea
Read moreAids indicators act like the ones from highly developed syphilis and blood tests in aids patients tend to be positive for syphilis. Hiv is carried due to person to person as a result of blood along with blood products, and also as a result of virtually any bodily secretion specifically semen. Groups who are the
Read moreSyphilis symptoms are generally wide ranging, as well as quite a few imitate different conditions. It’s also entirely possible that you can possibly not experience just about any syphilis signs whatsoever, or else you may possibly observe a few of them. Even if you tend not to exhibit almost any syphilis warning signs, it won’t
Read moreIt would seem that as we get older in age and more mature due to life experiences, we would be more conscientious about decisions we make. As sound of an idea as this is, it just is not the way it works for a good percentage of people. Ironically, this occurs less frequently for those
Read moreAs the number of people who are positively infected with the conditions and diseases associated with stds, there has been a proportionally growing std dating community. These people want to live their life no different than those who are without the illnesses. There may be a slight difference in lifestyle due to the people needing
Read moreGonorrhea (wrongly spelled as such as ghonarea, ghonerea, ghoneria, ghonnerea, ghonoria, ghonorrea, gohnorea, gonaria, gonerea, gonnarea, gonneria, gonorrea, gonorrhea, as well as gonorrhoea, etc.) is the extremely transmittable sexually transmitted STD microbe disease, occasionally labelled as the clap. The nickname belonging to the clap refers to a remedy that can be used to clear the
Read moreOften, no symptoms will show. When they do, the most common symptoms might include 1 or more of the below list: Skin rash. Painful sex. Vaginal odor. Painful urination. Aches, pains, fever, and chills. Yellowing of the skin (jaundice). Discharge from the penis or vagina Weight loss, loose stools, night sweats. Severe itching near the
Read moreLots of people infected with syphilis have no indicators for a long time, yet continue being in danger of overdue difficulties if they are never remedied. Although transmitting is carried out in persons that have blisters who are within the primary or even secondary stage, many of these blisters are generally unrecognized. Consequently, transmitting may
Read moreThe American Social Health Association states, “Approximately 18.9 million new cases of STDs (not including HIV) results each year in the U.S. More than half of all people will be infected with an STD at some point in their lifetime.” (Sexually Transmitted Diseases, ASHA, 2008). STDs are found in 1 out of 4 women and
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